John Dewey, who was known as the father of progressive education, emphasizing that education is seen as a lifelong process, not a preparation for the future. Dewey (1938) argues that education as a preparation for adulthood life "deny the existence of excitement and curiosity found in the child brought to school and divert the focus of teaching should be directed to the interests and abilities are now real - have real students, become on the assumption - an abstract notion about things - things that maybe they want to accomplish in the future ".
We agree that education is centered on the child noticed two things mentioned above, these two viewpoints are not necessarily be the same - the same exclusive. Execution of progressive education is built on the principle - the principle of development and constructive. Child-centered education that supports a learning environment that enhances their skills and interests - each child while it also to consider the importance of learning among peers and learning in groups - small groups.