Friday, April 27, 2012

Identification of key factors issues of early childhood and the program based on needs

Much effort has been expended in developing intervention programs to help improve early literacy and readiness to enter school in children. This article presents the results of a needs assessment project which has the aim to identify priority programs that ensure that children are ready to enter elementary school. This article can provide a blueprint to identify the key factors related to the issues of early childhood.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Three characters of the learner according to Gardner

Gardner explained (Gardner Theory) that there were three characters of the learner: 1. intuitive learner (learner intuitive), 2. disciplinary expert / skilled person (skilled person), 3. traditional student / learner Scholastic. Each character has its limitations, understand the limitations of each character will determine what will be learned and how they learn it so they managed to understand. There is a gap between these three characters;

Monday, December 19, 2011

Piaget's theory: Summary of cognitive development

Opinions about theory of jean Piaget t "Cognitive development":
"Piaget (1972) believes that children's thinking develops according to the stages or period-the period of the growing complex. According to Piaget's theory of stages, each individual will go through a series of qualitative changes that are invariant, is always fixed, not jump or go back. This qualitative change occurs because the biological pressure to adjust to the environment as well as the organizing structure of thinking. To demonstrate the cognitive structure underlying patterns of behavior that is organized, Piaget used the term schema and adaptation ".

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Objectives and goals of child development

Children in the 21st century will experience the challenge that was never imagined before. Rapid changes occur in every aspect of life. Skills and facts derived from pre-technology era will not be able to prepare children in the world of the future. The rapid and extensive changes require constant adjustment and careful. To face future challenges, we must prepare them to be lifelong learners. Important program designed to prepare children in the new world.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The role of teacher in realizing the individualization of learning experiences for children

The teacher laid the foundation for children so that they when mature have the ability in life skills, success, and have a role for the environment. The best way is to apply the play to appreciate the differing interests of each child, is called the process of individualization.

The process of individualization in the stages achieved by respecting each child's development and planning a series of activities that are appropriate to ensure their successful experience of each child. The ability of teachers in the process of individuation includes knowledge of child development that includes health, physical growth, mental and thinking abilities a customized to the stages of development, advantages and needs of each child with learning activities. If this matching can be achieved, will result in children who have the ability and

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Progressive education by John Dewey

John Dewey, who was known as the father of progressive education, emphasizing that education is seen as a lifelong process, not a preparation for the future. Dewey (1938) argues that education as a preparation for adulthood life "deny the existence of excitement and curiosity found in the child brought to school and divert the focus of teaching should be directed to the interests and abilities are now real - have real students, become on the assumption - an abstract notion about things - things that maybe they want to accomplish in the future ".

The methodology in accordance with the stages of child development

The methodology in accordance with the stages of child development is a methodology which is based on knowledge of child development. All children develop through common developmental stages, but at the same time, each child is unique individual human being, the teacher must know the typical growth and development of children in order to provide a range of materials and learning activities are real. The teachers also have to look at and listen to the difference between skills and specific interests of children the same age (Seefeldt, 1994: Bredekamp, 1993).