Friday, April 27, 2012

Identification of key factors issues of early childhood and the program based on needs

Much effort has been expended in developing intervention programs to help improve early literacy and readiness to enter school in children. This article presents the results of a needs assessment project which has the aim to identify priority programs that ensure that children are ready to enter elementary school. This article can provide a blueprint to identify the key factors related to the issues of early childhood.

Although various programs have been developed, not all programs available in every community. There are still children and families who do not have access to a program that fits their needs. Before offering a new program or additional, educators and service providers would be better to assess the needs of their local communities. Needs assessment is a term used to describe efforts to gather information to guide program and service delivery efforts, and this is the first step.

Figure . Mapping of perceived assets available to address early literacy and school readiness issues.

The purpose of this study to provide an overview and presents the results of a needs assessment program designed to identify priority needs for the program which aims to improve early literacy and readiness to enter school age. The purpose of the needs assessment process is to develop a list of priority needs of the community and a key program to help ensure that children enter school ready to learn.

The method used in this study; community needs assessment program carried out in four rounds. At each round, the panelists sent a questionnaire and return envelope. After round 1, the questionnaire was made based on results from previous results. For example, in round 2, we constructed a questionnaire based on the priority list generated in the first questionnaire. For each round, participants were given two weeks to mengambalikan questionnaire. Data collection occurred in 2004 and took approximately 14 weeks, from round 1 to round 4.

The conclusion in the study explained that the number of children continue to attend school without the literacy and language skills necessary to help them succeed in school. And professional societies have issued a lot of effort and money to develop an intervention program in order to help improve early literacy and readiness of children entering school. Recommendations from this study that, before designing and implementing the program, an important first step is to assess the specific early literacy and school readiness needs of children, families, and communities.

Researchers stressed the need for early literacy and be geared to enter the school readiness services, and such efforts have been according to the findings of a factor to be successful. Similarly, the researchers stressed the need for quality programs for young children, and efforts aimed at improving the skills intended to address this need.

The important thing in this study is how to improve the innovative model for improving literacy and developmentally appropriate activities. Improve understanding of child development, and service providers for young children. Including models of institutional infrastructure through better cooperation in increased funding for early literacy and school readiness of age.

Journal source:

Daniel J. Weigel & Sally S. Martin (2006) Identifying Key Early Literacy and School Readiness Issues: Exploring a Strategy for Assessing Community Needs, ECRP Volume 8 Number 2 2006