Monday, December 19, 2011

Piaget's theory: Summary of cognitive development

Opinions about theory of jean Piaget t "Cognitive development":
"Piaget (1972) believes that children's thinking develops according to the stages or period-the period of the growing complex. According to Piaget's theory of stages, each individual will go through a series of qualitative changes that are invariant, is always fixed, not jump or go back. This qualitative change occurs because the biological pressure to adjust to the environment as well as the organizing structure of thinking. To demonstrate the cognitive structure underlying patterns of behavior that is organized, Piaget used the term schema and adaptation ".

1) Sensorimotor (0-2 Th)
a. Reflektife Stage (0-1 months), dominant, survival
b. Primary circular reaction (1-4 mths)
c. Secondary circular reaction (4-8 mths)
d. Coordination of secondary schemata (8-12 months)

2) Preoperasional (2-7 years) symbolic play or pretend play
a. Collective monologue / conversation unidirectional (4-5 years)
b. Towards reasoning mindset precausal (5 th), cause and effect; motivation, final, fenomenalisme, moralism (function), artificial, animism, dynamism
c. Not yet fully understood; conservation rates, liquid, solid (from perfect at the age of 6-7 years)

3) Concrete operational (7-11), saw something more logical but still symbolic, thinking reversible (both directions).

4) Formal operational (11 years and over);
a. Hypothetical and deductive thinking; conclusions premises
b. Abstract and reflective thinking: solving problems, the probability
c. Being able to make an analogy; linking image and reality
d. Able to evaluate the way of thinking (metacognition); positive-negative, pros and cons.

* Source reading: Wortham, Sue, C. (2006). Early Childhood Curriculum: Developmental Based for
Learning and Teaching. USA: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.